Tochigi prefecture
This is an official collaboration between the hit anime and manga series “Attack on Titan,” and Japanese sake brand Daina. The first of a series, this one features the show’s main protagonist, Eren, because the sake’s rich flavor is as pure and straightforward as Eren’s heart. This full flavor leaves a crisp and light aftertaste, and pairs easily with a wide variety of meats, seafood and veggies.
Brand | Daina |
Brewery | Kikunosato Brewing Company |
Category | Junmai Ginjo |
Subcategory | N/A |
Taste Profile | Rich & Dry |
Rice variety | Gohyakumangoku |
Yeast variety | Association No. 10 Lineage (Ogawa Yeast) |
Alcohol | 15% |
RPR | 55% |
SMV | 3 |
Acidity | 1.6 |
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