Tochigi prefecture
This is an official collaboration between the hit anime and manga series “Attack on Titan,” and Japanese sake brand Daina. The second in the series, this sake features the character Mikasa. This sake is brewed with Yumesasara rice, which went through 13 years of development by Tochigi prefecture. The resulting sake has the flavors of pear and juniper with a subtle alcohol taste, making for a mild sip.
Brand | Daina |
Brewery | Kikunosato Brewing Company |
Category | Junmai Ginjo |
Subcategory | N/A |
Taste Profile | Light & Dry |
Rice variety | Yumesasara |
Yeast variety | Association No. 10 Lineage (Ogawa Yeast) |
Alcohol | 15% |
RPR | 55% |
SMV | 1 |
Acidity | 1.4 |
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