Miyagi prefecture
“Umeshu” is typically ume fruit steeped in alcohol. This is a blend of Ichinokura’s concentrated umeshu and their low alcohol “genshu” (undiluted sake), named after “hime” (princess) and “zen” (an honorable meal). The bright citrus acidity is fun to pair with deep-fried dishes and salads, and the sweetness balances out well when paired with spicy dishes. Serve it at various temperatures — even freeze it to serve as sorbet.
Brand | Ichinokura |
Brewery | Ichinokura |
Category | Other |
Subcategory | Umeshu (Plum Wine) |
Taste Profile | Rich & Sweet |
Rice variety | Toyonishiki |
Yeast variety | Association No. 901 |
Alcohol | 8.00% |
RPR | 65% |
SMV | -90 |
Acidity | 7.5 |
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